Saturday, February 18th
9:00am to 12:30pm CST
Breaking the Cycle: Human Trafficking Training for Dental Professionals
Presented by: Amber Lovatos, RDH, BSDH, MAADH & An Chih (Angela) Do, RDH, MAADH
Every year millions of people are human trafficked and forced into labor or commercial sex work. Dental professionals are key players in combating human trafficking as they are equipped with the knowledge to identify abnormalities and signs of abuse in the head and neck. This course aims to break down misconceptions associated with human trafficking and human trafficking victims. After completion of this course the learner will be able to identify indicators of abuse and human trafficking. The dental professional will be equipped with the appropriate steps to implement in suspected human trafficking cases. They will also be provided with appropriate language to use with potential victims.
*This course does meet the Texas Health & Human Services human trafficking requirement.*
Course objectives:
The learner will be able to define human trafficking.
The learner will be able to identify signs of human trafficking.
The learner will be able to differentiate between the various types of human trafficking.
The learner will be able to appropriately document and report signs of victimization.
The learner will be able to develop a protocol to identify and respond to human trafficking victims.
The learner will be able to assemble a network of resources for human trafficking victims.
5-Star Course Reviews:
"Great Presentation. The best Human Trafficking course I've taken and I use to take them quarterly while being a contracted hygienist for the US Army."
"Wonderful presentation ! I learned so much today and everything was presented well. I also appreciated that we were given resources to be well prepared and confident in creating a protocol. Thank you so much. "
"Amazing information especially created directly to dentistry!"
"Great presentation. I learned alot and excited to implement in my office. "
"Great course! Learned about a subject I would have never thought about looking into. "
"Great course, very interesting. Will definitely take again."