After this course the participants will be able to:
Analyze reasons why sharpening is important and investigate key aspects of the making of your instrument and what makes them unique.
Compare sharpening tools, stones, and guides.
Understand the main sharpening angles.
Identify common sharpening errors and tips and tricks to avoid them.
A large majority of hygienists view instrument sharpening as time-consuming, difficult, or even
beyond the scope of their capabilities. However, sharpening can become a simple task if you
are given the opportunity to learn the proper technique. Attendees of this course will be taught
proper sharpening techniques, along with the importance of sharpening and the anatomy of the
scaler itself. Information will also be provided on ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders,
along with ways to remedy these obstacles. The focus will be on methods to renew and
strengthen the cutting edge, as well as how to properly care for the instruments, resulting in a
longer usable life. Just when you think you have learned all there is to know about instrument
sharpening, this course will provide you with tips and tricks to make the process even easier.